Thursday 18 December 2008

On having a foul mouth

1. Excessive swearing.

2. Smells like an ashtray.

3. Uncanny ability of words that instantly link to the future.

I believe that for a long time, I would be guilty of all three counts. Till I corrected #2 a couple of years ago.

However, its #3 which sometimes worries me. Thus far my ability has been highlighted for football matches - although once I actually gamble, I uncannily lose this uncanny ability; links to the sex of an unborn child, before the first trimester; links to economical futures and unfortunately deaths.

I remember writing about doing a review of the year 2007 and mentioning how I didn't think another Dark Knight movie was a good idea and how good Heath Ledger looked. Not long after he passed on.

Well, so much for having a foul mouth - who could have done it better? Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face.

Merry Christmas everybody.

Monday 1 December 2008

Joys of Cooking

For years people snigger at the thought of me cooking.

Maybe its due to my appearance, many family or friends cannot envisage me doing actual work - do I really look THAT fat?

Or, if I really am that fat, wouldn't it make sense that I would know how to keep myself of a certain size?

To some cooking is a chore, but to me, it is therapeutic - especially when done alone. The preparation is most enjoyable and the end result is an inexplicable feeling of joy and content, especially when others are well fed.

Obviously in the current economic climate, someone exclaimed that it made more 'cents' to eat in than to eat out!