Friday 9 October 2009


When the weather suddenly turns cold.

When you are on a bicycle, you feel a gradual drop in tempreature as the seasons move from summer to autumn. But how rapidly do we actually feel the change?

Just two weekends ago, we enjoyed a hot sunshine in Guildford. Last weekend, the sun was out sparringly, never really reaching the highs of the previous week. Even the stops were shorter as it got cold quicker.

For once since April, my toes started to feel numb from the cold. A couple of days ago, even my fingers started to get a bit chilled.

But the ultimate tell tale sign of the worse to come is the morning cycle to work. When you actually realise you don't have any use for the body wipes as there isn't any sweat for you to clean. And the sudden rush of blood through your fingers as the warm water brings them back to normal body tempreature.

Gosh, it'll be winter soon.

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