Monday 3 March 2008

Bushi and the return of Overseas Capital

People from the capital of Silver State in Malaysia who may be familiar with this restaurant that used to be there. Quite notorious for its hiring of hot chicks, or preference of hot chicks seeking employment in Bushi, there was a certain co-relation between beauty and business and it was something which had long enticed me. I think before it closed down, I've probably been a patron of the place once. Like all good things, this place came to an end.

Does an F&B outlet need to constantly have a change in themes or name? Back in the capital of the silver state, names like Public Restaurant, Overseas and Foh San are still popular choices after so many years.

There has also been another interesting co-relation of F&B outlets and people who have just returned from overseas (i.e. the UK, US or Australia). Every time someone comes 'back for good' they will most likely:

a) buy a house
b) invest in an F&B outlet

Currently with the British government packing migrants from Malaysia back by the bus loads, there is a huge possibility that we will be seeing much more F&B outlets springing up like mushrooms after the rain. How many will survive? We shall see...

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