Saturday 1 March 2008

Sleeping with you means...

In the recent furore on the Edison Chen scandal with a few top HK superstars, I found this portion of an article from Keith King pretty interesting:

I have monitored women for some number of years now and noticed that there are several classifications for those who sleep with you.

The Hopeless Romantics
Obviously there are those prominent ones who genuinely sleep with you for the sake of love. These are not hard to disguise as they say love is blind and they are almost willing to do anything to satisfy their partners.

The Leeches
Then there are those who sleep with you with an objective at the back of their minds. Be it for money or power, these species are extremely dangerous and seem to be able to control men to their whim and fancies.

You have those who just haven't done it for a long time and want to feel the pleasures of it. Results are usually of opposite spectrums, either their wildly great or just a drop in the pond. Don't hope for too much though as these are usually passing moments of time. Unless both suddenly hit it off fantastically, there usually isn't much hope for a long term development.

Salty Fish
Then there are those who seem to feel that they owe you something. Maybe you hope for a relationship with them, but then at the back of your mind there is this mind numbing possibility that she just slept with you to return a favour.

Anybody share the same sentiments?

from the novel "Understanding Keith King"

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