Thursday 27 March 2008

Sensitive times

Recently, there has been a march in March over here in London to Free Tibet. Much has been made of it in the Western media about the sorry state of affairs happening over there.

Now, a lot of people have joined in the bandwagon and openly criticised China over this incident. There seems, however, to be a low understanding of the whole issue in hand.

Again, being neither from China (except for my ancestors) or Tibet, I prefer to take a more independent route to analysing the situation. People say that the Tibetan language has been in the process of being wiped out by these oppressive Chinese forces, yet many of the Tibetans know or only know how to speak Tibetan.

Take a few steps back and look at Wales. Although the Welsh speak a TOTALLY different language than the English, for generations, they have been in danger of losing their identity. Compare them to the Cornish people in South West England. I think less than 10% of these people still understand Cornish, except from pasties and cream over tea.

Take another example of those Basque or Catalans in Spain. Don't they also claim that they are not exactly Spanish? The Basque even speak a totally different language from Spanish. But they are viewed as terrorist in their 'own' country.

Then take another close look at Malaysia. If you have an eye and look what is happening over in the 'East' side. Culturally and by language, the original people of the lands speak differently and operate in a different manner from those in the 'West'. Has Malaysia been oppressing these people too?

So, before we open our mouths and criticise other countries policies or social economic welfares, take a look at our own backyard.

I remember hearing of a wise saying by a wise man - Stephen Bong, "If you don't know what you're talking about but you keep quiet, people may assume you're stupid. But If you open your mouth without knowing what you're talking about, it confirms you're Stupid"

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